The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight
B////D#//G#//Fm/// |
B////D#//G#//Fm/// |
B////D#//G#//Fm/// |
Then: e-G#--------0-----|-Cm--------0--------- B-------------1-|-------------0----- G--0------------|--0---------------- D--2------------|--2---------------- A--3------------|--2---------------- E---------------|--0---------------- C#This here is the place where I will be stayG#ing There C#isn't a number, you can call the pay phone G#Let it ring a long long long long C#time If I don't pick up, hang up, Fmcall back, let it ringG# some more, C#Ohhhhhhh...G# If C#I don't pick up, pick up, the sidewinder Fmsleep, sleep, sleeps in a coilG# B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her G#OhhhhCm..... There are scratchC#es all around the coin slot Like a hG#eartbeat baby trying to wake upC# But this machine can only G#swallow money you can't lay a patch by comC#puter design Just a lot of Fmstupid, stupid signsG# C#Tell herG# C#Tell her she can kiss my G#ass, then laugh and say that you were C#only kidding. That way she'll know that it's Fmreally, really, really, really G#me, me. B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her G#OhhhhCm..... BC#aby, instant soup doesn't really grab me. TodayG# I need something more sub - s(tub) - sub - substanC#tial. A can of beans or black-eyed peas, some NeG#scafe and ice A CaC#ndy bar, a fallen star, or a rFmeading from Doctor SuG#ess B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her G#OhhhhCm..... e-Gm--------2------|Fm---------0------|-G#------0------ B-------------3--|-------------1--|------------1- G----------------|----------------|-------------- D----------------|----------------|-------------- A-2--------------|-0--------------|-3------------ E----------------|----------------|-------------- GmThe cat in the hat came back, Fmwrecked a lot of havoc on the way. Gm Always had a smile and a reason toFm pretend, But their Gmworld has flat backgrounds and little Fmneed to sleep, but to dream G# The sidewinder slCmeeps on his back. B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DI can aBlwaB/Dys sleep sD#5tanding up. G#9Call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her G#OhhhhCm..... B B/DCall Bme when you B/Dtry to wake D#5her up, G#9call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DI can aBlwaB/Dys sleep sD#5tanding up. G#9Call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her B B/DI can aBlwaB/Dys sleep sD#5tanding up. G#9Call D#5me when you try to Fmwake her WeG#'ve got to moogie moogie mCmove on tB/Fhis one. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T21:43:28.829+00:00
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